Remove the front bumper,remove the factory grille,cut a mesh grille out from gutter guard(lowes or home depot will have). Insert the grill and cut notches where the factory grille would insert, so it pushes against your mesh grill holding it in place. With the factory grill I cut out the top and bottom lines oput leaving the center only.Quickest way to do this is with a dremel.I drilled a few holes in the center bar to ziptie the mesh to this factory insert. Next I sanded and painted the insert silver. During this time I mounted white CCFLs behind the lower grille.
*Trim the mesh where the plastic straight grill pushes in at.
*Lining up the mesh cut outs
*Notice the grey tabs where the mesh needs to be trimmed.
*Place the factory plastic line grill on top of the mesh.
*Push until it snaps in.
*Optional* Mount some blue cold cathodes (ccfl)
*Cover any wires and reinstall bumper.
Some of the pictures weren't showing up so I switched to photo bucket, so let's see if they work better on their server.
Here is with the Aspec front lip installed
**********LIGHTS ON**********
I will have more to come as my projects progress.
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