Please print out Hybrid Automotive - 2004-2009 Toyota Prius Grid Charger Installation and have it with when installing. The following is my own pictures,notes and video on my install.
I have wire for subs so ignore those. Also put dyno mat and sound deadening spray. Remove all covers in the trunk. On the driver side take out the battery holder plate. Disconnect the negative off the 12V battery so the car has no power.
Remove this orange plug, it's super easy just pull up, turn notch down then whole thing comes out.
After I took the side connection cover off this is what you get. Double checked the voltage on anything you plan on touching or removing a nut off. Need to take the white plastic covers off. Check for voltage there too.
Positive on the left towards the rear bumper and ground near the front. Take off the tiny nut (think it was a 8mm) and connect the wire harness. Make sure the wires will not get pinched or in the way of anything else. Use zip ties in here too.
NEXT is connecting the fan. Reach behind and feel out the fan clip. Push down and release. Don't freak out if after you cut the fan wire and see 4 wires. Just strip them and twist the same colors together.
Strip on the fan side too.
The bottom of the black box comes off, do not unscrew anything on it! There are two extra screws with the connectors that you will use on the bottom. Use the supplied end connections and crimp on the fan wires. This picture below shows only the fan plug connected to help give reference to the card diagram.
Zip tie the controller box best way you can. I used 4 ties.
Again ignore my speaker wires and subs. Now is the test. WIth the negative still off the 12V connect the power supply to the harness then plug in power. Mine has some heat/burning smells at first but not enough to cause alarm. All fans were spinning and I got numbers on the charger so that worked!!! Was at like 211 V on the charger.
Disconnect the charger then plug the negative back on the 12V. At this point I started the car to make sure it's all good which it was. Turn the car off and reconnected the charger with the harness part first. When plugging the AC power to the power supply I get a spark each time. Now the charger says about 235V.
Trunk is still apart just in case. First charge was about 15 hours long before I had to go somewhere. The battery bars on the Prius did not change. Next day I did like 8 hours. Only thing that gets hot is the charger and the controller box.
I always reset my trip odometer when filling up. Was at about half a tank at 37.5 MPG before it reset due to disconnecting the 12V battery. Now after about 2 days driving my MPG is 39.4. I will keep tracking and compare it to my previous MPG.